Placement papers | Freshers Walkin | Jobs daily: Senior Javascript Software Engineer at Instructure (Salt Lake City, UT)

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Senior Javascript Software Engineer at Instructure (Salt Lake City, UT)

We're hiring Senior JavaScript engineers in Salt Lake City who are passionate about technology and education to build a new, next generation product for companies who want to invest in their employees. What's it like to work at Instructure? Our product team doesn't throw spec documents over an imaginary wall only to have engineering build something and throw it over another wall to QA. Our teams are collaborative — we sit together, brainstorm together, and build together because we believe that's the only way to make superior software. We're committed to innovation — so much so, in fact, that we schedule quarterly hack weeks to let individuals and teams build pet projects and aim for the fences with new, radical ideas.

What we do:

  • We’re building innovative web applications. By leveraging single page application design, ES6, CSS3, and other cutting edge technologies, we hope to bring the richness of native desktop and mobile apps to the web.

  • We use the latest tools to support progressive browsers and companies: you can leave your IE6 hacks at home.

  • We are cloud native. For this job, that means bringing the fault-tolerant and high availability principles that power the cloud to the front-end to deliver lightning fast, ultra-reliable applications that delight our users.


Skills & Requirements

What we look for:

  • Breadth of experience across languages and frameworks.

  • Deep knowledge of JavaScript, including the latest features in ES6.

  • Production experience with modern JS frameworks like React or Angular.

  • Demonstrated experience unit testing JavaScript applications to ensure application quality.

  • Capable communicators passionate about product development and user experience.

  • Autodidacts who love continual learning and exploration.

  • Engineering leaders who care about coding standards and writing lean, maintainable software.

  • 7+ plus years of professional software development experience.

  • BS or greater in Computer Science preferred.

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

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