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AlphaMine Trading - C++ Developer - Multithreading (2-5 yrs)

Hello Mohamed Bilal,

Here's an interesting job that we think might be relevant for you - .

click here to apply

High Frequency Trading Project, Low Latency programming - Immediate Opening

- Multithreading

- C++17

- Boost knowledge is a plus

- STL, Data Structure

- Socket Progamming TCP/IP

- Big Data knowledge is a plus

- Project involves the development of high frequency trading platform.

The product consists of two main components.

1) Lightweight feature, Rich multithreaded front end application.

2) Lightening fast, low latency HFT backend platform for processing financial time series data.

click here to apply

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Trump urges aides to resist subpoenas from House Democrats - CBS News

Extinction Rebellion, the climate protesters disrupting London, explained -

Twitter stock surges more than 15% on earnings beat - CNBC

Vlad Jr. Is Finally, Finally Bringing His Mighty Dingers To The Majors - Deadspin

Desarrollador Jr .net at Tecnicas Reunidas (Madrid, Spain)


- Desarrollo de aplicaciones .net

- Mantenimiento y apoyo a equipos en gestión de BBDD SQL

- Coordinación con los equipos de obra para apoyar en la elaboración de informes asociados a las BBDD

Se ofrece

Posibilidad de desarrollo profesional en proyectos punteros del sector.

Salario competitivo en función de valía del candidato

Integración en un ambiente multidisciplinal en empresa multinacional

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Programador/a JAVA RPA y RCA at Deloitte (Madrid, Spain)

Quieres liderar el cambio en el mundo empresarial en el ámbito financiero, laboral y tecnológico? Si te gustan los retos, plantear soluciones innovadoras para ayudar a las empresas a optimizar sus áreas de negocio mediante el uso de la tecnología, sí te sientes una persona de equipo, dinámica, que valora la diversidad y el buen ambiente de trabajo y quieres explorar tus límites en un entorno internacional, te estamos esperando.

¡Los robots ya están aquí! ¿Sabes lo que es Robotic & Cognitive Automation? La tecnología R&CA llega para revolucionar la forma en la que funcionan las empresas en el día a día.

Uniendo las últimas herramientas de Machine Learning y Tecnologías Cognitivas desde Deloitte estamos liderando la Transformación Digital de nuestros clientes mediante Robots Inteligentes que realizan y mejoran las tareas del día a día, obteniendo una gran mejora en velocidad, precisión, trazabilidad y costes.

En Deloitte contamos con un Centro de Excelencia de Robotic Process Automation (RPA), con la finalidad de ofrecer a nuestros clientes una solución novedosa y completamente adaptada a las necesidades actuales y futuras a las que se enfrentan día a día.

Buscamos perfiles tecnológicos, amantes de la tecnología y que quieran embarcarse en el desarrollo de un proyecto novedoso y de largo recorrido.

· Serás el referente técnico IT dentro de nuestro equipo de R&CA.

· Estudiarás diferentes procesos de negocio dentro de compañías de máximo nivel, diseñando la solución automatizada de alto nivel integrando tecnologías cognitivas.

· Coordinarás el desarrollo y testeo de la solución cognitiva diseñada.

· Darás soporte a las verificaciones QA y a la puesta en producción.

· Tendrás la posibilidad de gestionar equipos y desarrollar el talento de nuestros profesionales.

Te ofrecemos:

· La posibilidad de desarrollar una carrera de máximo nivel en una de las tecnologías que está revolucionando el panorama empresarial.

· Disponemos de un plan de formación técnico-funcional y de competencias a tu medida (R&CA, habilidades interpersonales, procesos de negocio, metodologías de trabajo, cursos de inglés, etc.) que te permitirán mejorar tus competencias laborales en un entorno dinámico donde tu trabajo es tu principal herramienta de promoción.

· Como miembro de la red internacional de Deloitte, participarás en proyectos dinámicos, innovadores y en plena expansión, en diversos sectores e industrias. Tendrás una gran exposición al cliente y podrás orientar tu carrera al perfil que quieras desarrollar.

· Encontrarás un excelente ambiente de trabajo, integrándote en una plantilla multidisciplinar muy joven y dinámica, y en continuo crecimiento.

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Senior Backend Engineer (Java) - Smart Delivery at Zalando SE (Berlin, Germany)


Department: Logistics Technology
Reports to:
Engineering Lead, Logistics
Team Size:
Recruiter Name, Email: Maria Garcia

As a Senior Backend Engineer - Smart Delivery in Berlin, you will constantly improve our delivery and returns proposition to bridge the last mile for our customers to get the right package to the right customers at the right time. Delivering a high-performance, stable, auto-scaling in-house warehouse management system, you will have a direct impact on customer happiness. We aim to delight our customers and make the Zalando customer experience as convenient as possible. 


  • Drive proofs of concept, pilots and technology evaluations to accelerate the onboarding of new technologies and solution designs

  • Manage your service from the architecture to testing, deployment and operation in an agile environment

  • Deliver high-performance, resilient and scalable distributed system landscape that handles large amounts of data while continuously enabling a high pace of change and innovation by working with your development and product team

  • Contributing to our growing tech community and encouraging knowledge sharing


  • At least 5 years of professional programming experience with significant expertise in Java and related popular frameworks such as Spring, SQL databases as well as experience in microservice architecture, distributed systems and RESTful APIs using relevant technologies

  • Skilled in automated testing, high-performance code and complex server environments

  • Effective communication skills in English and ability to understand business requirements

  • Academic degree in Computer Science


  • Culture of trust, empowerment and constructive feedback, open source commitment, meetups, game nights, 70+ internal technical and fun guilds, knowledge sharing through tech talks, internal tech academy and blogs, product demos, parties & events

  • Competitive salary, employee share shop, 40% Zalando shopping discount, discounts from external partners, centrally located offices, public transport discounts, municipality services, great IT equipment, flexible working times, additional holidays and volunteering time off, free beverages and fruits, diverse sports and health offerings

  • Extensive onboarding, mentoring and personal development opportunities and an international team of experts

  • Relocation assistance for internationals, PME family service and parent & child rooms* (*available in select locations)

We celebrate diversity and are committed to building teams that represent a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, merit and business need.


Zalando is Europe’s leading online platform for fashion, connecting customers, brands and partners across 17 markets. We drive digital solutions for fashion, logistics, advertising and research, bringing head-to-toe fashion to more than 23 million active customers through diverse skill-sets, interests and languages our teams choose to use.

A key to the success of Europe’s busiest fashion logistics network is continuously advancing our technology and processes. By pushing ourselves to think smarter and adapt faster, our teams are setting new levels of excellence for the industry while meeting the complex needs of our customers, helping people connect to fashion in ways that were never previously possible.

Please note that all applications must be completed using the online form - we do not accept applications via e-mail.

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Data Manager (m/w/d) at Roobeo GmbH (Berlin, Deutschland)

Was Du mitbringst

  • Du hast ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in Wirtschaftsinformatik oder Betriebswirtschaftslehre sowie mindestens zwei Jahre Berufserfahrung

  • Idealerweise liegt dein Schwerpunkt auf Data Science, Business Analytics, Machine Learning oder Big Data Management

  • Eine Ausgeprägte Affinität zu Tools wie beispielsweise MS Excel, MS Access, MySQL sowie PIM-, ERP- & SHOP-Systeme runden dein Fähigkeits-Set ab

  • Du arbeitest analytisch, präzise und verbindlich, auch bei einem hohen Arbeitsaufkommen

  • Du wägst in deiner Arbeitsweise  selbstständig zwischen “thinking out of the box” und bekannten “best practices” ab

  • Deine kooperative Ader kombiniert mit einer gesunden Prise Humor machen dich zum geborenen Teamplayer

  • Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift 

Was Du machen wirst

  • Analysieren und bewerten von diversen Dateiformaten wie csv, xlsx, xml, json oder edi

  • Konvertieren, anreichern und mappen von zahlreichen Datenstrukturen mit dem Ziel, diese optimal in die Bestandsstruktur zu integrieren

  • Aufbau einer langfristig belastbaren Datenstruktur insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Klassifikation oder die Attribuierung

  • Adaption von Branchenstandards um die Datenverarbeitung effizient zu gestalten

  • Mitwirken an der Weiterentwicklung von Inhalten auf

  • Optimierung von Prozessen zur Steigerung der Qualität auf der Plattform

  • Projektbezogene Aufgaben gepaart mit umfangreichen operativen Tätigkeiten ergänzen dein Aufgabenprofil

Was wir Dir bieten

  • Du arbeitest mit einem perfekt eingespielten Management- und Gründerteam zusammen, das Deine Entwicklung fordert und fördert

  • Du bekommst wertvollste Start-Up-Erfahrung als Teil eines super ambitionierten Teams im dynamischen Umfeld

  • Du bist live mit dabei, wenn wir gemeinsam die ganze Baustoffbranche digital neu aufrollen

  • Du bekommst von uns die höchsten Ansprüche an Fairness, Transparenz und Mitarbeitermotivation

  • Du arbeitest in einem lichtdurchfluteten Büro im Herzen Berlins inklusive bestem Obst und Kaffee, Mate, Tee Flatrate

  • Du bekommst von uns die aktuellste Technik (MacBooks oder Lenovo ThinkPads, Samsung Galaxy Handys und vieles mehr)

  • Du bist bei den besten Mitarbeiter-Events dabei und erhältst Zugang zu unserem Benefitprogramm

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Full-Stack Developer (GIS) at CGI Finland (Helsinki, Finland)

Tule mukaan rakentamaan tulevaisuuden digitaalisia paikkatietopalveluita! Meillä koodarit tunnetaan kokonaisvaltaisten ratkaisujen suunnittelijoina ja toteuttajina: arjessa rinnallasi työskentelevät ja osaamistaan jakavat niin omat kehittäjämme/asiantuntijamme kuin UX-tiimi sekä eri toimialojensa huippuosaajat.

Tässä roolissa tulet työskentelemään projekteissa, joissa kehitetään asiakkaiden palveluita, sekä suunnitellaan uusia palveluratkaisuja. Meillä työskentely ei jämähdä siiloihin, vaan pääset sparrailemaan tiiviisti useiden sidosryhmien kanssa (mm. asiakkaat, designerit ja projektijohto).

Roolimahdollisuuksia on myös lead- ja senior-tekijöille!

Tarjoamme sinulle

• Merkityksellisen työn ja monipuoliset työtehtävät: pääset erikoistumaan paikkatietopalveluiden kehittämiseen DevOps-näkökulmasta toimialariippumattomasti.

• Osaavan ja työstään innostuneen tiimin: Pääset osaksi dynaamista ja innovatiivista huipputiimiä, jossa kaikkien osaamista arvostetaan. Panostamme omaan kulttuuriin, joka kannustaa kaikkia vaikuttamaan. Lisäksi: meillä ei tehdä hommia hampaat irvessä, vaan muistetaan myös pitää hauskaa!

• Hyvät oppimis- ja kehittymismahdollisuudet: Tarjoamme monenlaisia urapolkuja sekä koulutus- ja kehitysohjelmia. Itsensä kehittämisen kulttuurille on tiimissä vahva tuki, meillä on mm. tiimiläisten itse järjestämiä tietoiskuja sekä hiekkalaatikkopäiviä joissa pääset tutustumaan uusimpiin tekniikoihin.

• Kansainvälisen organisaation tuomat mahdollisuudet: Olemme yksi maailman suurimmista IT-alan yrityksistä, mutta toimimme kuitenkin Suomessa paikallisesti ja asiakaslähtöisesti. Meillä yhdistyvät vahva paikallinen osaaminen, globaalit resurssit sekä sertifioidut toimintamallit.

Draivaat roolissa kun sinulta löytyy kokemusta...

• Java/JavaScript-kehittämisestä (React, Angular, Node.js)

• Tietokannoista (esim. PostgreSQL, Oracle)

• Ketterästä kehittämisestä

Haittaa ei ole, jos sinulta löytyy osaamista myös jostain seuraavista:

• Paikkatietopalveluista (mapbox, ESRI, Openlayers, Leaflet)

• Jenkins- ja Ansible-työkaluista

• Pilviratkaisuista (AWS, Azure)

• Ohjelmistosuunnittelusta/-kehittämisestä

• Konsultoinnista/asiakastyöskentelystä


Meillä CGI:llä työntekijät eivät ole vain työtekijöitä, vaan membereitä jotka pääsevät mukaan omistamaan yritystä ja vaikuttamaan asioihin todella. Olemme aina halukkaita kuulemaan uusista talenteista, joten ota rohkeasti seuraava askel ja hae mukaan CGI-memberiksi!  

Hae tehtävää rekrytointijärjestelmämme kautta klikkaamalla tehtävänkuvauksen alalaidassa olevaa painiketta "I'm Interested". Paikkaa kannattaa hakea pikaisesti, sillä käymme hakemuksia läpi jatkuvasti ja etenemme rekrytointiprosessissa heti sopivan kandidaatin löydyttyä.

Lisätietoja tehtävästä antaa tuleva esimiehesi Miika Salo: 040 542 5865.

Perusmuotoinen turvallisuusselvitys tullaan tekemään tehtävän niin vaatiessa.

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Desarrollador/a ETL (Talend) at KEAPPS (Madrid, Spain)

Si buscas un nuevo reto profesional y quieres trabajar como desarrollador ETL ¡tenemos lo que estás buscando!

Buscamos personas proactivas con experiencia en Desarrollo ETL (Talend).

¿En qué participarás?

Participarás en un proyecto estable, dentro del sector seguros ubicado en Madrid.

¿Qué funciones desarrollarás?

- Desarrollo de nuevos evolutivos.

- Implementar y mantenimiento de nuevos requerimientos.

¿Qué ofrecemos?

- Contrato indefinido.

- Remuneración competitiva acorde a la experiencia y adecuación al puesto.

- Formación por parte de la empresa.

- Buen ambiente laboral.

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

A 70-year-old woman fell to her death at the Grand Canyon, the fourth fatality there in a month - The Washington Post

Missed shots and missed opportunities: Jazz season ends in Game 5 loss -

Avengers: Endgame Doesn't Have End-Credits Scenes, But There Is Something At The End - GameSpot

C++ Developer at SBI BITS (Minato City, Japan)

Your role

To help build premier solutions in one or more of the following:

  • Cryptocurrency exchange, Order Management System and retail brokerage.

  • Cryptocurrency wallet redemption and payment.

  • Blockchain research and smart contracts.

  • Securities trading engines for PTS and dark pools.

  • Order entry gateways, Smart Order Router and drop copy service.

  • Real-time normalization and distribution of market data.

  • Algorithmic trading of securities and cryptocurrencies.

About us
Originally established as the core of SBI Group’s FinTech strategy in July 2015, SBI BITS has fulfilled and surpassed this role, cementing its position as an up-and-coming Asian FinTech company with offices in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Dalian.

We provide full support of key technologies for SBI Japannext, the largest PTS by trading volume in Japan. We are also the primary provider of IT services to SBI Securities, Japan’s largest online retail trading brokerage. We supply clients with financial solutions in an ever-evolving market by utilizing and developing cutting-edge advancements in financial technologies, such as blockchain, professional data center management, low-latency co-location services and one of the world’s fastest matching engines.

We have gathered IT experts from all over the world and currently boast an international working environment of employees from over 40 countries. Top leaders each with more than 20 years of experience in the FinTech industry spearhead the group.

Our identity is to be Japan's most modern FinTech company, providing financial technologies based on and committed to the needs of the customer, ensuring that we're always innovating, and always one step ahead.

We have many new exciting projects planned and are always seeking high caliber talents to join our dynamic teams. Do you want to be one of us? 

Our culture
We want people who value teamwork with a result-driven mindset, who thrive in a challenging and diverse working environment. We value your passion and commitment, and reward your performance. You will have the chance to take part in workshops and events in Tokyo to learn about the latest developments.

Your team

Our multicultural teams consisting of members from over 40 nations experiment with cutting-edge technologies. We like challenges and solving complex problems. We endeavor to work proactively and commit to self-learning and development on the job in order to deliver high quality results. A strong sense of teamwork and personal responsibility are essential.



  • 3+ years intensive programming in C++, with familiarity of C++11 preferred.

  • Experience developing distributed and multithreaded software in Linux environments.

  • Strong understanding of data structures and algorithm fundamentals.

  • Experience with GitLab, Continuous Integration and testing frameworks

  • Experience participating in code reviews.

  • Able to produce code that is efficient, reliable, robust, portable and maintainable.

  • Good communication skills and ability to collaborate in teams.

  • Fluency in either English or Japanese.


  • Good command of scripting languages, such as Python, JavaScript, Shell, Perl.

  • Experience in Agile software development methodology.

  • Knowledge of ZeroMQ, Redis and Boost.

  • Knowledge of SQL database programming.

  • Familiarity with financial IT systems.

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Analista Programador Java-J2EE at Delógica (Madrid, Spain)

Zona de Alameda de Osuna/Polígono de las Mercedes con horario flexible. Posición muy estable en uno de nuestros clientes más potentes dentro del sector Financiero, que quiere incorporar a dos analistas técnicos de sistemas empresariales en arquitecturas Java-JEE. Se requiere experiencia en el análisis y diseño de soluciones técnicas, frameworks y/o técnicas de desarrollo, en el ámbito de sistemas de información Java-JEE.

Se requiere haber trabajado en proyectos de envergadura, es decir, desarrollados por equipos de varias personas en períodos relativamente largos de tiempo y que se componen de múltiples módulos o aplicaciones.

Se requiere experiencia en las siguientes tecnologías propias de los desarrollos empresariales en Java-JEE:

· Spring, Maven, HTML, Javascript, CSS, jQuery, Java, JSP, Servlets, Subversion, Angular JS.

· Se valorará experiencia en servidor de aplicaciones ORACLE Weblogic.

Asimismo se requieren profesionales con las siguientes competencias no técnicas:

· Trabajo en equipo.

· Organización y meticulosidad.

· Capacidad de aprendizaje.

· Iniciativa.

Se frece integrarse en un Área de Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información muy dinámica perteneciente a una gran compañía en constante crecimiento.

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Unix System Administrator at SBI BITS (, Japan)

Your role

The successful candidate will be supporting Unix/Linux servers for our entire Securities business (online retail and wholesale).

Responsibilities include:

  • Ensure the uptime and availability of the Unix infrastructure

  • Monitor and ensure the safety and security of the Unix infrastructure

  • Maintain and administer the systems in charge by the Unix team

  • Provide assistance to other teams

  • Provide off-hours support which may include nights or holidays, or remote support if required

  • Project-based support for building and deployment and integration with the infrastructure

Your team

You will be working with our Unix team which consists of more than a dozen Linux experts. The team has:

  • A multinational culture with aim in growing your knowledge and career with patience.

  • Flexibility for the team members to choose which ticket/project to work on. The task list will be able to be fully arranged by each individual.

  • Small and big tickets/projects which allows all team members to not focus on a specific task but rather to experiment with a lot of situations in parallel.

  • Ability to learn a lot about bigger infrastructures with all members helping each other constantly.

  • Many open source tools.

  • Harmonious and active atmosphere.

  • Good honest communication and leadership within the team.



  • Bachelor’s (or higher) degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or other related technical fields

  • Experience and familiarity with Git or similar version control systems

  • Competency or ability to quickly learn to support any of the Unix-like systems managed by the Unix team:

    • RedHat/CentOS, Gitlab, Docker, Puppet, FreeIPA, DNS, oVirt, OpenStack, Network storage, Elasticsearch, Keepalived, HAProxy, Pacemake, Ubuntu

  • Good foundation and knowledge of Linux Network Internals

  • Experience working on Identity Management System (FreeIPA, Active Directory etc.) 

  • Flexible with occasional 24x7 support including holiday/weekends/night onsite or remote support if required

  • Fluent Japanese with business level English as a plus. (Strong Japanese language is preferable)

     Nice to have:

  • Experience container infrastructures (Eg. Docker)

  • Experience on Virtualization Management Platform (Openstack, Ovirt, etc.) or equivalent

  • Experience and familiarity with Puppet and Ansible

  • Experience with Bash, Python or Ruby scripting or any other programming languages

  • Programming experience

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Function Owner for Telephony at CEVT (Gothenburg, Sweden)

CEVT is an innovation center for the future cars of the Geely Group. We develop mobility solutions for a different tomorrow, we occupy some 2000 people and are based in Gothenburg.

We are looking for a function owner to be part of defining new exciting Infotainment systems while also helping us undergo an agile transformation. As function owner you will be responsible for our Telephony area and work together with System Owners and the Product owners defining functional requirements for future telephony functions.

In this role you are closely following the mobile phone market and are incorporating market trends in future functionality plans to secure that we are market leading. Based in Lindholmen, Gothenburg you will be working closely with one or more software development teams and sub-suppliers, customers and stakeholders across organizations to ensure that the intended customer value is delivered.

To succeed in this role you have previous experience of working with infotainment systems and are comfortably leading and inspiring others as well as driving projects and engage effectively in cross-functional organizations. To thrive in this team we believe you are curious and enjoy to take on a large responsibility and are able to act autonomously as well as supporting and working together with the SW developing teams. We hope that you are comfortable in pushing the boundaries of what is possible in order to make our solutions exciting, new and breath-taking.

Main focus in your role: 

  • Own the function area for Telephony.

    • Facebok, WeChat, Skype

    • Apple CarPlay, Google Android Auto, Baidu CarLife

    • Wireless phone charger

    • Bluetoth phone call, Bluetooth SMS

    • Near filed communication (NFC)

  • Support the SW developing teams in quality analysis and product improvements.

Qualifications and key attributes:

  • M.Sc. Electrical or Computer Engineering or similar and work experience within automotive system engineering and/or function ownership, including infotainment.

  • Inspiring and motivating leader that are great at supporting teams to get things done.

  • You are good at communicating and influence decision-making at all levels within an organization and contexts.

  • You enjoy working in an agile environment and previous experience from agile and/or scrum is meritorious.

  • Ability to travel to Asia (approx. 3-5 per year).

For questions about the position contact: 

Martin Adebahr, Senior manager Functions & Systems, +46 729 88 82 73,

For questions about the recruitment process contact: 
Kristina Larsson Djokovic, Recruiter, +46 729 88 85 44,  

Last application date is 2019-05-19.

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Rockets' Capela: Warriors rematch 'what I want' - ESPN

Rockets' Capela: Warriors rematch 'what I want'  ESPN

Rockets center Clint Capela didn't hold back when asked about a potential rematch with the Warriors, telling reporters, "I want to face them," which prompted a ...

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Surprised to hear now earn monthly Rs 10000 by part time jobs@ Rc jobs (South India)

Excellent job opportunity for all part time job seekers and for fresher’s. Spend your valuable time through internet and get paid for that. Have a good commitment in your life than join with us. When you Co-operate with us you can improve your l ...
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Sterling OMS Developer (Banagalore) (South India)

Hi We are hiring for Sterling OMS Developer for one of our leading MNC Clients. Please find the below Job Description : Experience : 6+ yrs CTC : Open To market Worked on Order creation, Payment Execution, Inventory Management , Order Fulfilment, ...
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IOS Training in Marathahalli, Hebbal, BTM, Bangalore (Marathahalli) (South India)

Upshot Technologies is the top-rated Institute in providing IOS training in Bangalore, BTM Layout, Marathahalli. We provide Best IOS training in Marathahalli, BTM and also providing service in Hebbal, Electronic city, Bangalore with real time project ...
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Work from Home!

We are looking for flawless English speakers (Females preferred) for English tutoring job. You will be required to teach English to South east Asian students over "skype audio call". Flexible working hour window from 4.25 pm to 7.30 pm. A typical ...
Fresher jobs in pune

Opinion | Joan Vennochi: For Sanders, no constraints on his principles - The Boston Globe

BIden 2020: Unions crank it up for launch - POLITICO

White House says Stephen Miller won't testify on immigration to House Oversight - CNN

Lululemon CEO: 'We have very low brand awareness with men,' but that business will double by 2023 - CNBC

R. Kelly accuser wins judgment in suit singer failed to answer - NBC News

LIVE: NBA playoffs postgame Warriors vs Clippers Game 5 with coaches Kerr, Rivers and select players - Mercury News

Technical Co-Founder Needed

Technical Co-Founder needed for startup AI company solving a big problem in Women's Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology Centers globally. I am building a scalable business and need assistance (we can split 50% equity or discuss compensation details) fro ...

DBA Oracle at Walters People (Madrid, Spain)

Estamos buscando un/a administrador/a de bases de datos Oracle para incorporarse en importante compañía del sector de las telecomunicaciones ubicada en el norte de Madrid.

Sobre la posición:

Serás el responsable de administrar una aplicación innovadora a nivel de seguridad a través de BBDD Oracle.

Los requisitos para poder formar parte de este proyecto son:

- Aportar entre 2 - 3 años de experiencia como administrador de BBDD Oracle.

- Experiencia en realización de querys, análisis de logs y proxys.

- Conocimientos operando con bases de datos relacionales (SQL, Mongo DB, MySQL).

- Nivel de inglés B2.

- Se valorará que la persona aporte conocimiento o experiencia en el sector de la Seguridad Digital.

Se trata de una oferta de contratación indefinida para formar parte de gran compañía del sector de las Telecomunicaciones.

La empresa ofrece capacidad de crecimiento y certificaciones externas oficiales.

Si estás buscando un nuevo reto, ¡inscríbete hoy mismo en esta posición!

by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

Measles cases break record since disease was eliminated in United States in 2000 - Washington Post

Measles cases break record since disease was eliminated in United States in 2000  Washington Post

Measles cases in the United States have now exceeded the highest number on record in a single year since the disease was eliminated in 2000. Nationwide ...

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In Mexico, migrants are once again hopping onto 'The Beast' despite dangers - NBC News

Mortgage applications fall as higher rates chill buyers - USA TODAY

Mortgage applications fall as higher rates chill buyers  USA TODAY

Mortgage applications decreased 7.3% last week. The 30-year fixed mortgage rate is at its highest level in over a month, discouraging some home buyers.

by via Top stories - Google News

Samsung Galaxy Fold: the latest on the beleaguered foldable phone - The Verge

Quality Operations Specialist (San Francisco)

Scale Scale is a rapidly growing post-Series B startup. Our mission is to accelerate the development of AI applications. Our first product is a suite of APIs that allow AI teams to generate high-quality ground truth data. Our customers include Alpha ...
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Lead Full Stack Engineer (financial district) (San Francisco)

Lead Full Stack Engineer Location: San Francisco, CA Duration: Permanent/Direct Compensation: Extremely strong compensation package Start Date: ASAP  Our San Francisco client is a small, but growing, food-tech company (w/ massive financial backing) ...
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Senior Software Engineer (San Francisco)

Full Time San Francisco, California Who we are: Sofar is powered by the dream to build the world’s best ocean data platform. Our team combines expertise in ocean science, technology, and innovation to develop new solutions for ocean exploration ...
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TPM Localization Operations (LocOps) Team (AP1740) (San Francisco)

Our client is an amazing company in SFO!! Looking for a Localization TPM About The Role The localization team is seeking an experienced technical program manager to lead our Localization Operations (LocOps) team. In this role, you will own localiz ...
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Luke Perry's final appearance on 'Riverdale' was short and bittersweet - CNN

What You Don't Know About The Clippers Will Surprise You - BBALLBREAKDOWN

Clippers Force Game 6 Vs. Warriors | Last 4 Minutes Of 4th Became All About Lou Will - Bleacher Report

Clippers Force Game 6 Vs. Warriors | Last 4 Minutes Of 4th Became All About Lou Will  Bleacher Report

Clippers stun Warriors in Golden State, force a Game 6 after winning 129-121. The Warriors looked like they would make a promising run, but Lou Williams went.

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Software Development Engineer, AWS ElastiCache at Amazon (Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel)

** Are you passionate about building a large-scale, distributed, highly available, and reliable in-memory database? We are building in-memory services, powered by open-source databases such as Redis and Memcached, and optimized for sub millisecond latency at scale. Come and join us to define the future of ElastiCache at AWS. **

As a Software Development Engineer in our in-memory computing platform team, you will build large-scale, distributed in-memory storage platform, with sub-millisecond latency. You will leverage open source technologies like Redis, Memcached, and Amazon proprietary technologies. This includes Data Plane extremely fast and high throughput development, low level optimizations, asynchronous messaging, event-based technologies, real-time failure detection system, horizontal and vertical scaling, auto-remediation, high availability, fault tolerance, storage technologies, snapshoting, and disaster recovery.

As the key member of the engineering team, you will have a significant influence on our overall strategy by helping define the product features, drive system architecture. Creating a reliable, scalable, and high-performance service requires exceptional technical expertise, a sound understanding of the fundamentals of Computer Science, and practical experience building large-scale distributed systems. You should be someone who enjoys working on complex system software and innovate on behalf of our customers.

Come work with the folks who are not only building a highly-available and scalable in-memory distributed service but also influencing the direction of No SQL systems throughout the industry.

Amazon is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer Minority / Female / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation

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Sr Software Development Engineer at Amazon (Cambridge, MA)

Amazon is looking for a passionate, talented, and inventive Engineer with a strong understanding of algorithms and common software design patterns to build industry-leading Speech and Language technology. Experience in and a passion for machine learning is also strongly recommended. Our mission is to push the envelope in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Audio Signal Processing, text-to-speech (TTS), and Dialog Management, in order to provide the best-possible experience for our customers.
As a software engineer, you will work with talented peers to develop novel algorithms, extend customer-facing services, and work with our science team on modeling techniques to advance the state of the art in spoken language understanding. Your work will directly impact our customers in the form of products and services that make use of speech and language technology. You will leverage Amazons heterogeneous data sources and large-scale computing resources to accelerate advances in spoken language understanding.

Our team focuses on text transformations such as converting between spoken and written form text which is a key part of how data can be used to improve speech recognition accuracy and is also used when speech recognition output is displayed to customers. We have a robust and exciting roadmap of ideas that need innovative solutions.

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Frontend Developer- React.js (m/f) at HOMELIKE Internet GmbH (Köln, Deutschland)

We are a young and dynamic Cologne start-up and the leading marketplace for long-term business apartments. Homelike provides a best-in-class booking experience for business travelers seeking high-quality long-term apartments from professional suppliers looking to rent units for 30 nights or more. With over 45,000 high-quality apartments in 100 cities, Homelike offers one of the largest portfolios of furnished apartments for business travellers in Europe and we are expanding continuously into new countries.

Your responsibilities:

  • Build a great user experience with new features and streamline existing ones

  • Convince users with an eye for detail that we have the best product on the market

  • Ensure a high quality of code

  • Share your knowledge and help your entire team to excel

  • Support the product management team with your technical knowledge

  • Come up with good solutions for technical and process problems

Your profile:

  • At least 2 years of experience in React and Redux

  • Strong communication skills about technical topics with other developers and non-technical product managers

  • Experience working with IE 10+

  • Having used GraphQL in a production environment is a plus

Your Team:

  • We like small teams with 2 frontend and 2 backend developers and a Product Owner

  • We work in Scrum with cycles of 2 weeks

  • We continuously improve our team work and share our feedback

  • We own our code and make sure things are running smoothly

What we offer:

  • Have a huge impact on our product and help disrupt a high growth market

  • Work together with a highly motivated, international team

  • Grow with us - we help you learn and reach your career goals

  • We offer financial support for personal development with conference visits, etc.

  • Flat hierarchies and always and open ear for good ideas

  • Be part of our adventure and share our huge success

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QA Analyst at Pomelo Fashion Co., Ltd. (Khwaeng Phra Khanong, Thailand)

Pomelo is a leading online fashion company in Emerging Asia. Backed by fashion and technology investors from across the world, Pomelo brings its unique fast fashion style to Emerging Asia through a technology-driven, vertically-integrated design, and production model. Our growth strategy is to merge our online focus of mobile and social with the latest trends and data.

Job Description

We are looking for a QA engineer who can assist in both server-side and front-end development. You will work with the engineering team and product development team to ship beautiful products that delight millions of users throughout Asia and beyond. We are committed to leveraging technology as a competitive advantage, from customer-facing front-end features to backend tools for our team. At Pomelo, each team member is expected to work autonomously, often setting their own objects and key results.


  • Works closely with the developers and designers in a team.

  • Analyze the user requirements and be able to provide feedback/recommendations/concerns to the team in order to ensure the quality in a final product.

  • Design and execute test plans, scenarios, scripts and procedures based on product requirement.

  • Manage defects tracking and follow-up both internally and by customers.

  • Develop and manage standards, methods, or procedures to determine product quality.


  • 3-5 years of relevant experience in developing web apps

  • Knowledge in Selenium TestingWhiz, SauceLabs or similar.

  • Customer-centric person

  • Ability to communicate in English at a high level

  • Able to Manage and prioritize task if involved in multiple projects.

  • Adaptive mentality and can cope with a dynamic working environment as needed.

  • Start-up or ecommerce experience is a plus

  • BA/BS in Computer Science

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Full Stack Java Engineer at Apple Inc. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Job Summary:
First, iTunes revolutionized how we listen to music and then our App Store ignited a cultural, social and economic phenomenon that changed how people work, play, meet, travel and so much more. Today Apple continues to push the boundaries of innovation and the team behind the App Store, Apple Music, iTunes, and many other high profile products on iPhone, Mac and AppleTV are called Apple Media Products.

With your passion and dedication to running successful projects there's no telling what you could accomplish.

We are seeking an extraordinary software engineer to join the Universal Media Engineering team responsible for powering Siri and Universal Search for the new Apple TV, Safari and Spotlight across all Apple devices. As a Universal Media team member, you will own key modules of the product and be responsible for delivering industry grade, quality solutions. We offer an environment where you are an integral part of an innovative, impactful team making a difference. Be ready to make something great when you come here. Dynamic, inspiring people and innovative, industry-defining technologies are the norm at Apple. The people who work here have reinvented and defined entire industries with our products and services. The same passion for innovation also applies to our business practices - strengthening our commitment to leave the world better than we found it. You should join the Apple Universal Media team if you want to help deliver the next amazing Apple product.

Key Qualifications:
You have 5+ years experience in a professional, programming position
You are more than proficient in Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
We value your experience creating applications using javascript web frameworks (e.g.:AngularJS, Bower, NPM, Webpack, Grunt)
We value experience developing RESTful APIs
You are not intimidated by relational and non-relational data stores (e.g.: Oracle, Cassandra, Redis)
You have mastered with search platforms (e.g.: Solr)
Great understanding of MVC patterns for web applications
You have experience with *nix and OSX
You are familiar with version control systems such as Git
You bring a depth of experience working with large code bases
You are passionate about reaching millions of users across our many platforms
You love collaborating under tight deadlines and pursuing problems with imaginative and elegant solutions.
You have passion for technology, value life-long learning, and enjoy finding the right tool for the job.
You have excellent judgment and integrity with the ability to make timely and sound decisions

You are a self-motivated, energetic individual with excellent interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with all levels of the organization. You should have a track record of developing web applications. If you have enjoyed working in the media space or have an interest in it, you will find this a phenomenal team to join. Our team feature a collaborative environment with creative, smart people and groundbreaking technologies. Engineering excellence is the norm and encouraged. Care to come join us in crafting new solutions?

BS CS/CE/EE or equivalent experience

Apple is an Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to inclusion and diversity. We also take affirmative action to offer employment and advancement opportunities to all applicants, including minorities, women, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities. Apple will not discriminate or retaliate against applicants who inquire about, disclose, or discuss their compensation or that of other applicants.

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Security Software Engineer at Apple Inc. (Seattle, WA)

Job Summary:
This position can be located in Austin (TX), Seattle (WA), or San Francisco (CA)

Imagine what you could do here. At Apple, new ideas have a way of becoming extraordinary products, services, and customer experiences very quickly. Bring passion and dedication to your job and there's no telling what you could accomplish

Apple is seeking a Software Engineer to focus on managing information security data and making it actionable. Our team is responsible for developing tools to manage and mitigate security risks faced by Apple. This is a software development role which requires integrating, developing and managing solutions which generate and process large volumes of data from a variety of sources and security tools. In this role you will contribute to a team that designs and implements new approaches and tools for security operation teams within Apple Information Security.

Key Qualifications:
5+ years of experience in C++ / Go / Python or equivalent.
Experience preferred in cross platform internals (Netlink, WMI, etc).
Expertise in architecting, designing and developing big data frameworks for analytics and data management
Integration with multiple APIs (REST, SOAP, RPC)
Experience with common formats such as JSON and compression utilities
Understanding of centralized configuration management and provisioning technologies, such as Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.
Some working knowledge of network protocols and Linux/Unix system internals and transport protocols (TCP, TLS, HTTP, UDP)
Experience implementing and working with open source projects
Proficient in writing detailed solution specifications, diagrams, best practices/standards documentation, operating procedures, test plans/test reports, etc.
Extraordinary communications skills, capable of collaborating with multi-functional technical teams in a professional manner
You are upbeat, adaptable, and results oriented with a positive attitude

This position requires software engineering background, experience working with open source solutions and some practical knowledge of large scale data ingestion and delivery technologies. You will be joining a team of highly-skilled, enthusiastic and passionate engineers working on this leading edge and constantly changing space.

- Architect, design and build multi platform client side tools and systems generating security relevant log data.

- Design and develop Self - Serve Access/registration/Management system and sets up the Data Pipe Lines.

- Work closely with multi-functional teams to gather requirements for SLA and Self - Serve.

- Build and support scalable security tool provisioning systems and configuration workflows

- Engineer solutions that can support large capacity and scale reliably, in a 24/7 environment

- Operate distributed systems and network based information security tools

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or equivalent experience

Apple is an Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to inclusion and diversity. We also take affirmative action to offer employment and advancement opportunities to all applicants, including minorities, women, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities. Apple will not discriminate or retaliate against applicants who inquire about, disclose, or discuss their compensation or that of other applicants.

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QE Manager, Ad Platforms at Apple Inc. (Cupertino, CA)

Job Summary:
At Apple, we work every day to create products that enrich peoples lives. Our Advertising Platforms group makes it possible for people around the world to easily access informative and imaginative content on their devices while helping publishers and developers promote and monetize their work. Today, our technology and services power advertising in Search Ads in the App Store and Apple News. Our platforms are highly-performant, deployed at scale, and setting new standards for enabling effective advertising while protecting user privacy.

We are seeking an exceptional quality thought leader to join our Quality Engineering Organization. As a leader, you will be responsible for building, leading and automating the quality of a few backend components for our system. In this role, you will manage technical Test Developers and will partner with Development to ensure high quality products.

Key Qualifications:
Ability to drive and support automation test strategy implementation.
Extraordinary experience growing quality capability.
Demonstrated ability to achieve results through people and across an organization.
Dedication to delivering phenomenal software and releasing it quickly, efficiently and with increasing quality.
Strong experience in integrated, end to end systems and passionate about testing methodologies.
Deep understanding of Agile development methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban.
Strong programming skills in Java, JavaScript. Good scripting skills in at least one common language (Perl, Python, Groovy, Shell).
Deep knowledge of REST and RESTful services.
Highly proficient in UNIX / Linux / Windows environments.
Solid computer science foundation, with competencies in data structures, algorithms and software design.
Proficient in refactoring, test automation, emergent design, testable and modular code, and build infrastructure.
Proven track record of High-Profile communication written and verbal.
Has bias for action and a desire for measurable results.
Demonstration of strong leadership and influencing skills.
Strong team player should be a true collaborator.
Extraordinary ability to build relationships, collaborate with and influence cross-functional teams within your area of responsibility.
Working experience utilizing Continuous Integration concepts and streamlined delivery of code.
Familiarity with advanced software/testing methodologies such as TDD
Familiarity with Performance Testing.
Understanding and experience driving QE excellence in mobile space (iOS) is desired.
Hands-on experience with Cloud (Public Cloud specific AWS experience a PLUS).

Our Organization brings engineering talent to the forefront to continuously deliver exceptional code to our customers that is reliable, scalable, and functional. We are looking for an extraordinary quality leader who will contribute in our mission of providing a high-quality experience for our customers.

- Responsible for the quality of a number of our components in our system.

- Real passion for overall design and implementation of testing strategies.

- You will lead a team of Quality Test Developers.

- Review testing infrastructure and data to ensure proper validation of code.

- Organize projects through use of quality engineering resource management and development of test strategies that include security, integration, performance and positive and negative functional test coverage.

- Assess and communicate risks based on product complexity, resource and/or timeline constraints.

- Ability to use continuous integration and delivery concepts.

- Work closely with development, product managers, program managers and support.

- Ensure projects are completed on time and according to quality standards.

- Responsible for adhering to product specifications and proper documentation.

- Facilitate communication upward and across the cross-functional project team including project status, justifications for variances and technical information.

- Serve as the quality focal point for business partners on project status or other project information.

- Measure and evaluate test progress including results of development test efforts (unit tests).

- You will handle personnel activities (i.e., hire and develop, appraise, set goals, reward, motivate, discipline, write performance evaluations, recommend termination, as necessary).

BS degree in Computer Science or equivalent practical experience, MS or PhD preferred.

- 10+ years in leadership roles.

- 10+years in quality roles.

- 10 years of development and/or test automation experience. Experience in network programming and/or developing/designing large software systems.

Apple is an Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to inclusion and diversity. We also take affirmative action to offer employment and advancement opportunities to all applicants, including minorities, women, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities. Apple will not discriminate or retaliate against applicants who inquire about, disclose, or discuss their compensation or that of other applicants.

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Senior Platform Engineer- Infrastructure at Vivint, Inc. (Boston, MA)

Job Description

Our mission is to redefine the home experience through intelligently designed products and services delivered to every home by people who care.

Who Are We:

Vivint Smart Home is the leading provider of smart home services in North America. Vivint delivers an integrated smart home system with in-home consultation, professional installation and support delivered by its Smart Home Pros, as well as 24-7 customer care and monitoring. Dedicated to redefining the home experience with intelligent products and services, Vivint serves more than one million customers throughout the U.S. and Canada. Vivint is the largest tech employer in Utah, a certified Great Place to Work, and one of Fast Companys Worlds 50 Most Innovative Companies for 2017.

The Role:

The Vivint Innovation Center is looking for a software engineer to help develop the server platform for one of the largest IoT smart home companies in North America. We are looking to grow our team of exceptional engineers with more of the best talent we can find. Join us, and use your passion for engineering cool solutions to create the worlds best smart home experience.

What you will be working on:

  • Work closely with the other teams like mobile apps and embedded devices that integrate with the platform/backend
  • Work in a fast-paced, self-directed, agile environment
  • Research and evaluate new technologies and tools
  • Participate in re-occurring Innovation Days and work on innovative projects of your choice
  • Work on cool stuff that you actually get to use in your own home
  • Create systems to handle lots of data from sensors, cameras, and user actions


Who you will work with & What were looking for:

  • Experience with well-known design patterns
  • Experience with queuing, caching, persistence, performance, and concurrency techniques
  • Experience building scalable, high-availability, low latency, and distributed solutions
  • Experience developing RESTful web services
  • Experience with any of the following technologies is a plus: Python, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Redis, Go, C/C++, Networking, Datacenter monitoring, AWS, Security and data privacy, PaaS, SaaS, Docker, Microservices, and Video
  • Ability to create services with high uptimes and reliability
  • B.S. in Computer Science or related field preferred
  • 3+ years work experience


Why Vivint:

  • Free catered lunch/snacks/drinks; new menu daily
  • Paid holidays and flexible paid time away
  • Your choice between Mac or PC
  • Employee pricing on smart home products
  • Casual dress code
  • Onsite gym
  • Onsite health clinic
  • Medical/dental/vision/life coverage

What We Stand For:

Honesty and Integrity Come First

Do the right thing

Customer Obsession is Our Advantage

A relentless passion to serve the customer

Innovation is Essential

Todays innovation is tomorrows lifeblood

We Win Together

Individuals win games: teams win championships

Exceptional is Expected

Talk is cheap: create value, not just motion

We Give Back

Helping people is core to our DNA

Find out more about what it's like to work here:

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Software Development Engineer - iOS at Audible (Newark, NJ)

The Audible iOS teams vision is to enable a frictionless experience allowing Audible customers to listen and engage with the largest Audiobook portfolio. Our goal is to deliver world-class products that scale for millions of daily listener sessions across the entire iOS eco-system including smart phones, Car Play, Smart Watches and living room devices. We are a nimble team with a game-changing mind-set, endless passion and uncompromising user focus. We operate like a start-up, yet have the resources we need to deliver on our goals.

You are talented, adaptable, and flexible. Were looking for creative, open-minded iOS software development engineers to help build technologies that continuously improve the Audible listening experience. While focusing on iOS development, youll build and scale mobile software, and coordinate cross-functionally by integrating new features, maintaining high performance, and creating intuitive interfaces. Our team is working on building native iOS products, without compromising compatibility with various iOS devices in an agile environment.

If you are ready to become a part of a culture that celebrates thinking big and want to use your passion and creativity to improve the daily lives of listeners around the world, we have a place for you on our team come join us.

· Develop iOS client code for compelling phone, tablet, and wearable experiences.
· Plan and execute technical epics, from initial design through implementation, testing, and customer delivery.
· Influence the technical direction and strategy within the team.
· Partner with other engineers to imagine, design, develop, test, and launch software that invigorates our community and inspires our peers.
· Take every opportunity make a large impact on the design, architecture and implementation of cutting edge mobile based products.
· Evangelize our content and application, work closely with business development, and participate in events like external hackathons and internal brown bag sessions.
· Draw influence from trends, technologies, and frameworks both industry-wide and within Amazon. Share that knowledge in a meaningful way with the community.
· Solve problems which are not clearly defined and have a large degree of ambiguity.


· Bachelors degree or higher in Computer Science or related field.
· 4+ years of experience in Objective-C or Swift.
· 6+ years of professional software development experience.
· Strong data-oriented skills with knowledge of Core Data and database design.
· Working knowledge of modern best practices: dependency injection, operations/promises, and modular development.
· Past mentorship of other engineers within an organization, showing mutual growth and provide technical leadership.
· Strong problem-solving skills with the ability to navigate highly complex and ambiguous situations.
· Adaptable, enterprising, and willing to take ownership.
· A high-quality bar: just-enough documentation, unit testing, code reviews, test automation, continuous integration & deployment.
· Enthusiasm for instilling this attitude in others.
· A preference for Agile development methodologies.
· Great communication skills - ability to think creatively and adapt the message to the audience. Can provide information to technical and non-technical stakeholders alike and guide them to confidently informed decisions.


· Strong problem-solving skills with the ability to navigate highly complex and ambiguous situations.
· Adaptable, enterprising, and willing to take ownership.
· A high-quality bar: just-enough documentation, unit testing, code reviews, test automation, continuous integration & deployment.
· A preference for Agile development methodologies.
· Great communication skills - ability to think creatively and adapt the message to the audience.
· Past mentorship of other engineers within an organization, showing mutual growth.
· Recent experience building enterprise-scale mobile applications.
· Experience building mobile UI with UIKit, especially Auto Layout and related SDKs, including use of storyboard and animations.
· Familiarity with AVFoundation, CoreAudio, or related audio frameworks.
· Strong data-oriented skills with knowledge of Core Data and database design.
· Background in synchronizing information across devices with support for offline transactions.
· Competency in automation, enthusiasm for continuous integration/deployment or Chaos Engineering.
· Recent experience building enterprise-scale mobile applications.
· Experience building mobile UI with UIKit, especially Auto Layout and related SDKs, including use of storyboard and animations.

Audible is an Equal Opportunity Employer Minority / Women / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation / Age

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Product Manager at Audible (Newark, NJ)

Youre a hands on problem-solver with a positive attitude, letting nothing stand in the way. You thrive when moving a project from ambiguity to clarity and are comfortable with accepting and leading change. Youre a natural collaborator equally comfortable talking tech with developers, user experience with designers, copy and positioning with product marketers, numbers with finance, and strategy with executive leadership. You pay attention to people, connect with them and know how to achieve great things together. You have a strong sense of purpose and integrity, with deep emotional intelligence. You have proven analytical capabilities, strong persuasive writing skills, broad business experience, the tenacity to develop ideas independently, and thrive in a fast-paced environment.

· Work with leadership and key business and engineering stakeholders to set strategy, define the product, and make appropriate high-judgement trade-offs between features and speed-to-launch.
· Collaborate with technology teams, UX, marketing and business development partners to determine what features to move forward and in what priority order.
· Ensure business and technical stakeholder needs are aligned by driving mindful discussions that lead to crisp decisions.
· Write market, functional and system requirements documents and ensure clear communication and coordination of requirements to business and development teams.
· Proactively identify and mitigate risks before they become roadblocks.
· Partner with UX and User Research to define good outcomes for qualitative testing, ensuring we are building the right experience for a diverse range of cultures.
· Regularly review metrics and proactively seek out new and improved data/mechanisms for visibility, ensuring your program stays aligned with organization objectives.


· 4+ years of experience in product management, program management, or technology implementation.
· Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related technical discipline.
· Demonstrated experience in agile.


· Great communication skills - ability to think creatively and adapt the message to the audience. Can provide information to technical and non-technical stakeholders alike and guide them to confidently informed decisions.
· Strong analytical skills.
· Appreciation and acceptance for all cultures, backgrounds, and diverse points of view.
· Exceptional writing skills. Audible has a strong writing culture: PowerPoint use is rare.
· Data-informed: Define metrics for success and failure; ability to use quantitative and qualitative data to back up assumptions and make decisions.
· Team player: Strong, demonstrated ability to rally and bring varying functional teams together, and break through stalled decision making.

Audible is an Equal Opportunity Employer Minority / Women / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation / Age

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Software Development Engineer II - International expansion at Audible (Newark, NJ)

Audible International Expansion team is delivering on a vision for launching a localized, customer-centric presence in new countries while building world class engineering platform to enable faster and differentiated launches. We are expanding and improving the platform from mobile web to back-end services while innovating and leveraging new Amazon technology and platforms. Success means we are delighting more customers in new countries while building on an already tremendously successful and much-loved product.

You are an innovative and passionate top software engineer looking to make a positive impact on customer experience. You like to own deliverables end-to-end and have a meaningful influence on the final product. You are a builder. You like to work with fellow engineers and product people to share knowledge, imagine, design, develop, test, and launch software that wows our community and inspires our peers. You're curious and love to learn unprompted as you stay up to date with tools, trends, technologies and best practices in the industry. Please don't hesitate to apply!

We're a a strategic and growing part of Amazon, our parent company. Audible's built on Amazon technology and you'll have insight into the inner workings of the world's leading ecommerce experience. You'll get to play with all of Amazon's and AWS technologies. There's a LOT to learn! Your career will benefit from working with teams like Kindle, A9, P13N and many more.

If you want to own and solve problems, work with a creative dynamic team, fail fast in a supportive environment whilst growing your career and working on high volume (2000+ tps) services that support millions of customers worldwide, we want to hear from you.

· Own key components within our platform. "Owning" means envisioning, designing, creating, building, and supporting
· Partner with product management to imagine, design, develop, test, and launch software that invigorates our community and inspires our peers
· Manage individual project priorities, deadlines and deliverables
· Adopt best practices in software engineering: design, testing, version control, documentation, build, deployment, and operations
· Plan and execute technical epics, from initial design through implementation, testing, and customer delivery
· Stay ahead of tools, trends, technologies and the most standard methodologies both industry-wide and within Amazon, sharing your knowledge in a meaningful way that impacts the group
· Be willing to explore technical needs and bring problems AND solutions to the table


· BA/BS degree in Computer Science, related field, or equivalent experience
· At least one year building production software with a solid grounding in Computer Science fundamentals
· Java or equivalent OO language


Don't worry, we'll ramp you up but experience in any of these areas will help you hit the ground running:
· Full stack experience (Java, SQL/NoSQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, etc.) and familiarity with Linux environments/scripting would be a plus
· Building and maintaining very high traffic web services or scalable systems to collect, store, and process data.
· Prior use of AWS technologies at scale in a production environment

Audible is an Equal Opportunity Employer Minority / Women / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation / Age

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