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Senior Database Reliability Engineer at Coolblue (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

As a Senior Database Reliability Engineer, youre responsible for creating, maintaining and improving the various database components for applications which allow Coolblue to deliver on its promises.

What you tell your friends

I select stars, while your friends stare at you in wonder and slight confusion.

What you really do

  • You manage our highly available database environments for our back-office systems.
  • You continuously improve our Oracle database environments.
  • You make sure our MS-SQL and MySQL environments are optimally managed.

How you do it

  • You have Oracle database as your core skill, but you also know your way around MS SQL and MySQL.
  • You design and build supporting systems needed to keep a database up and running.
  • Youre hands-on, working with your team to design, implement, deliver, and troubleshoot the databases for Coolblue.
  • You present your ideas in a simple way so its understood by all techies and non-techies alike.


You'll work in a team of multidisciplinary Engineers with various areas of expertise. This means that you will have the opportunity to expand your skill set to other areas or simply have a full view on how everything comes together, enabling you to make an even bigger impact. Your team will be complemented by a Scrum Master and a Product Owner.

A day at the office

This morning you start checking the newly delivered Oracle schema changes pipeline. It looks good and youre happy to report in the stand-up that its ready for use.

After the stand-up, you get together with Jos, who is a Developer, to discuss the MS-SQL statement improvements youve caught the day before in Datadog. It seems likely that we could reduce the execution time by optimizing the statement slightly.

This sounds very promising and after a brainstorm with your team and Jos, you come up with several changes that could be made. You work together with Jos to make the SQL statement modifications and push them through our database deployment pipeline. After that, it's lunchtime!

In the afternoon, you have a refinement session on upcoming stories and ideas with the team and the Product Owner. The team chooses to focus on exploring AWS Aurora capabilities. You are excited to learn more about this, and after a refuelling at lunch, youre ready for the session.
by via developer jobs - Stack Overflow

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